Turn and Return: A Journey through Elul to the Shores of the New Year

Stepping from 5784 into 5785
4-Week Class with Rabbi Yael Levy
Thursdays, September 5, 12, 19, 26
7-8:30 PM ET/5-6:30 PM Pacific

The month of Elul is an opportunity for expansive spiritual realignment as we turn and prepare to enter the New Year.

Present to our tender hearts and the drum beat of our world, we will listen to the calls of this season and explore the meaning, intentions and opportunities of Elul, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

         How can this holy season strengthen, nourish, guide and lift us?

         How can it help us be effective participants in the ongoing creation of the world?

         How can these holy days help us stand strong and true in the tumult of these times?

Exploring ancient liturgy, insights from the mystical tradition and listening to the wisdom that rises from earth and the turning of the seasons we will prepare ourselves to enter the New Year with love, strength and hope.

I look forward to all we will discover together.

Scroll down to register

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Cost to attend live on Zoom: $154
Discounted price for Major Donors: $136*
Video Only: $72

As wonderful as it to be together and learn from each other we know not everyone is available at the time class is being offered, so access to class videos and texts will be available for a donation of $72

*Major donors are those who have donated $500 or more since July 1, 2024.

If you have any additional questions, please contact learning@awayin.org.

Turn and Return: A Journey through Elul to the Shores of the New Year
from $72.00