Standing into Relationship: The Amida as Spiritual Practice

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A Six-Week Exploration

Thursdays 4-5:30PM EST

Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25; March 11, 18 (No class March 4)
Guided by Rabbi Yael Levy online on Zoom.

The tradition calls the amida HaT’filah -- THE prayer and teaches that the amida is the heart and soul of the liturgy. In the amida we step into intimate relationship with the Infinite Presence. We offer praise and gratitude. We ask for help and guidance and we bow deeply into the Mystery that holds us all.

The mystics teach that the amida is an experience of cosmic proportions. In the amida we align ourselves with the Divine Life Force and open to being channels through which the Divine flows into the world.

Thanks to all who signed up.
Registration for the course is closed as of Feb. 1, 2021.