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Clearing the Pathways: Class and Meditation Retreat

Clearing the Pathways: Class and Meditation Retreat

A Journey through the Sefirot and the Arba’ah Olamot (the Four Worlds)

Thursday, Feb. 2 and Sunday, Feb 5, 2023

The Mystics remind us that the Divine Infinite is with us always. We live within mystery that reveals ands conceals the Presence in all.

In this class/retreat we will travel the pathways between the Sefirot, the Divine emanations, through which creation occurred. We will explore these passages in relationship with the arba’ah olmaot, the four mystical worlds that we live and move within.


This is a delicate and sacred journey. My hope is that these explorations will deepen and expand our awareness of the interconnected of all, revealing pathways of abundant healing.


Thursday Feb. 2, 7-8:30PM ET/ 4-5:30PM PT

Through text study and discussion we will explore the Sefirot and the four worlds in relationship to each other. This session will be the foundation for our retreat day, providing the teachings and practices that will guide each of us individually and together.


Sunday, Feb. 5, 11AM-3PM ET /  8AM-12PM PT

This day will be filled with practice aimed at traveling the pathways, listening for wisdom and guidance.

Practices include:

         Sitting Meditation

         Walking Meditation

         Guided Imagery and Prayer

         Hitbodedut: Stepping toward encounter

This two-session class-retreat builds on recent classes: Four Worlds and Peering into the Mystery. It is an opportunity to expand the teachings and bring them into deeper practice. It is not necessary to have been a part of these classes, though it would be helpful to have some familiarity with the system of the Sefirot. Go to recordings of past Classes