Jewish Mindfulness Prayers for Thanksgiving


Let us give thanks for the gifts of the earth
Let us give thanks for the gifts of each other.
To those who came before us, we give thanks.
To those who will come after us, we raise our cups.
Let us live fully with kindness and care.
Let us share our gifts with generosity and joy.

We will build this world with love. 89:3


As we pause for Thanksgiving,
Let us acknowledge the pain and difficulties of this past year.
Let us acknowledge loss and sadness.
May there be moments of comfort,
Experiences of kindness,
That nourish us with love.

May the Source of All help carry our burdens. May the Infinite Presence embrace and sustain us. (Psalm 55:23)


To earth, trees, plants and sky. To water, birds, fish and rock. To breeze and rain, to animals of the forests, mountains and deserts, we honor you and we give thanks.
Let us live with the awareness of the interconnection of all being. Let us treat all life with reverence and care.
The land gives of its abundance and blessings go forth. (Psalm 67:7)

Let us give thanks for the abundance that fills this world
And acknowledge that among us there are many viewpoints and perspectives.
Let us set intentions to seek common ground,
To build bridges across differences,
Guided by love.
May our mouths speak wisdom may the meditations of our hearts bring understanding. (Psalm 49:4)

May we eat and be nourished.
May we savor the fullness and be satisfied with the gifts of each moment.
May our hearts open and give thanks.
(Deuteronomy 8:10)

A Gathering of Compassion Meditation

A compassion meditation is always a great practice and it feels especially called for this season, this year. In this practice we pray for the well being of ourselves and others. In doing so we bring calm and love into our own systems and we send blessings of goodness and love into the world.

Taking our seats with awareness, with the attention gently on the breath we begin the practice by saying this prayer for ourselves:

May I be blessed with peace.
May I be blessed with well being.
May I be blessed with love.
May I be blessed with compassion.

After repeating the prayer three times we move on to saying it for 9 others, each person in turn, creating a minyan of blessing.

May you be blessed with peace.
May you be blessed with well being.
May you be blessed with love.
May you be blessed with compassion.

We can say the prayer for those we will miss this Thanksgiving season and for those with whom we might gather. We can say the prayer for those we love and connect with easily and for those with whom there is a need for healing.

After saying the prayer for 9 people, we can say the prayer for rivers, mountains, trees, birds, any part of the natural world, sending blessings into the Infinite web of connection.

Sim shalom, tovah, uvracha, chayim, chen, v’chesed, v’rachamim

Place upon us and all beings, peace, well-being, blessing, life, grace, love and compassion. (Amida liturgy)

 Download a PDF with Thanksgiving Blessings