What Does God Have To Do With It?
A Four-Week Exploration with Rabbi Yael
Thursdays 4-5:30PM ET / 1-2:30PM PT
November 11 & 18, December 2 & 9, 2021
(Class will not be held on Thanksgiving, November 25)
Guided by Rabbi Yael Levy online on Zoom.
“God” is a concept, idea, image that carries so many layers of meaning. For some of us, “God” is an invitation, an opening into relationship. For others of us, “God” conjures up disturbing childhood memories and difficult present day teachings that close our hearts and minds.
Drawing on Jewish mystical tradition, we will examine teachings, images and experiences of “God” that can be helpful to us in these times. We will delve into the mystery of “God” exploring the transcendent and immanent as we seek possibilities for relationship and connection.
I am offering these classes with the hope that what we discover together will help us stand strong, steady and loving in these times.
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