The Four Olamot


The Four Hidden and Revealed Worlds
Nov. 10, 17, Dec. 1, 8, 2022
90 minute sessions

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Jewish Mystical tradition speaks about the four olamot—the four worlds that make up our cosmic reality. These worlds are considered levels of spiritual awareness and experience. They reflect the four letters of God’s holy name, the body, heart, mind and spirit of the human being, the four elements, four seasons and four directions of earth and the four mythical rivers that flow from Eden. In this series of classes we will explore and traverse these worlds listening and feeling into what they have to teach us about living well in these complex times. Through the lens of the four olamot we will examine prayer, intuition and action and reflect on our relationship with the great Mystery we live within.

All class sessions will be recorded and made available to both those who register for the live class and those who purchase video access only.