About the Teachers


Rabbi Benjamin Barnett serves as rabbi of Havurah Shalom in Portland, Oregon. He is a devoted practitioner and teacher of contemplative prayer, meditation and chanting, and works to build multi-faith and multicultural relationships in the name of creating a more just and compassionate world. Email.

Rabbi Joshua Boettiger is the Jewish Chaplain at Bard College, where he also teaches. In the broader community, he offers Jewish approaches to mindfulness and service through leading meditation retreats, and facilitating Mussar groups. His essays and poetry have appeared in Image, B O D Y, Parabola and elsewhere, and he is a contributing author to the anthology, Neither Here Nor There: The Many Voices of Liminality. Email.

Rabbi Yael Levy, rabbinic director of A Way In Jewish Mindfulness organization, is devoted to seeking healing and transformation through contemplative, earth-based Judaism. Rabbi Yael teaches, leads retreats and offers spiritual direction to individuals and groups. She is the author of Directing the Heart: Weekly Mindfulness Teachings and Practices from the Torah and Journey Through the Wilderness: A Mindfulness Approach to Counting the Omer. Email.