Omer Morning Meditation Sit — Last Day of Yesod

A psalm from Yesod,
Words to say,
Intentions to place before our eyes and upon our hearts
As we travel deeply,
In honor of the Mystery
And for the sake of all life

For with you is the Source of Life, in your light we see light. (36:10)
Avert my eyes from seeing falsehood,
Return me to your life giving paths.
I bow down in your holy places and give thanks.
I am a sojourner here with you,
Like all my ancestors, I seek to dwell.
Here I am, I have come with the scroll of the book
That is written upon me.
To do your will is my deepest desire,
To live the Torah that is deep within me.
May my prayers be rooted,
May they rise like incense,
May the offerings of my open palms be received as a gift.
Like a deer yearning for brooks and streams,
My soul yearns for the Mystery.
My soul thirsts for the Source of All, for the Source of all Life
(42: 2-3)

Listen to the recording of today’s Sit in the player below.

Rabbi Yael Levy

27 Iyar 5780

The live Jewish Mindfulness Meditation Sit with Rabbi Yael Levy takes place Thursday mornings 8-8:30 AM EST.

Go to instructions for joining the live guided Meditation Sit next time with Rabbi Yael Levy via call-in or Zoom.

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