Omer Donation


Dear Friends,

Perhaps there has never been a more compelling need for healing in our lifetimes than right now.

Rabbi Yael Levy has joined wisdom from the Jewish mystical traditions to daily mindfulness-based practices to infuse the ancient ritual of counting the Omer, the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot, with deep spiritual resonance. Rabbi Yael’s daily teachings and practices help us ground our spiritual practice and open our hearts to love, healing and protection.

If these teachings and practices resonate with you, we ask you to consider supporting A Way In, a non-profit organization. During this time, financial support is a difficult thing to both ask for and provide. But your contribution at any level will help A Way In share the benefit of these teachings as widely as possible.

As part of your Omer practice, please consider making a donation during a week of the Omer (and its attribute) that resonates for you and help support our efforts and commitment to make our Omer teachings free and available to all in these challenging times. If you wish to make a gift in honor or in memory of someone, we will let them know of your gift with an inspirational card.

Thank you for being a partner in creating a world of compassion

Love is forever. Loving-kindness transcends time and space.
Psalm 118:1