Peering into the Mystery


A Four-Week Exploration with Rabbi Yael

Thursdays 4-5:30PM ET / 1-2:30PM PT

February 3, 10, 17, 24
Guided by Rabbi Yael Levy online on Zoom.

For the Jewish mystics, the system of the sefirot—the Divine Emanations—reveal cosmic mystery. These ten emanations are vessels through which we can encounter and experience the Sacred and Absolute One. They shine from the Infinite, illuminating the interconnection of all being and opening the way for relationship with the Infinite presence.

Bowing deeply, we will enter these realms, asking for blessing and guidance.

We will explore each sefirah (each emanation), taking time to feel its energy and listen to the wisdom it offers. We will also travel the pathways between them with the intention of discovering practices that will help us engage life with intention and compassion. The aim, as always, is for shalom, healing and goodness to come through.

These classes will expand on some of what was explored in the series, What Does God Have To Do With It. It is not necessary to have taken that course to join in here, though some familiarity with the sefirot will be helpful.

If you have any questions about this please contact Rabbi Yael and put “Question about class” in the subject line.

Thanks to all who signed up. Registration is closed as of May 17, 2022.