In Honor of President's Day

The weeks’ Torah portion, Mishpatim, asks;

Who and what do we serve?

What do we raise up as having ultimate value?

What are the laws and rules that govern and guide our actions?

Beware of serving the Pharaoh, the Torah calls. Beware of serving what is built on lies, oppression and fear.

Remember what you know and love and let this be your guide.

Demand laws that are just and lead to dignity, equality and care for all.

 The way we treat each other in every aspect of our daily lives creates the world we live in.

 In honor of Presidents’ Day, let us email, fax or call one of our elected officials and remind him/her that they work for us. Let’s share with them something we care about and something we would like them to stand for.

 Let us rise together in the service of love, justice and truth.

Weekly Focus, Weekly TorahAway In