Waters of Life

Looking for a partner for Isaac,
Eliezar, Abraham’s messenger,
Prayed for hesed—                                                          
Loving kindness and generosity
That is steadfast and true.

As soon as he placed this prayer upon his heart
Rebecca appeared.
She offered him water
And going down to the well again and again,
She brought water
For all his camels.
In honor of our ancestors,
For the sake of our children,
Let us pause and place prayers upon our hearts,
Prayers for our country,
Prayers for each other.
And then, let us go down to the well,
Where the mayim chayim, the waters of life,
Flourish and flow.
And let us draw forth sustenance
And strength.
Let us go down to the well again and again
And let us rise up with
Loving kindness and generosity
That is steadfast and true.
In these days of struggle,
In these times of heartache and fear,
Let us be the faithful warriors.
Let us be the answer to each other’s prayers.

 --Rabbi Yael Levy
23 Heshvan 5779