Tevet Week 3 — Let Us Keep Rising Together

The Book of Exodus opens with courageous acts of women.

The midwives, Shifra and Puah, were instructed by Pharaoh to kill all the male children born to Hebrew women. Risking their lives to defy these immoral orders, they made sure all the children lived.

The daughter of Pharaoh refused to let hatred or fear determine her actions. She saved the life of a young Hebrew boy and raised him to adulthood.

Miriam, not letting herself be daunted by oppressive laws, stood on the shores of the river and made sure that her baby brother would be cared for and safe.

As the seasons turn us,

And events of the day challenge us to our core,

Let us keep rising together

For life and love,

Courageous, bold and strong.

—Rabbi Yael Levy

19 Tevet 5779