In the Cloud of Uncertainty

Dear Friends,

It is difficult to know what to say that could be helpful right now.

As I look through this week’s Torah readings, I hear echoes that hold me and urge me on.

This week the book of Exodus comes to a close with this passage:

And Moshe finished the work of the Mishkan.

A cloud covered the Mishkan and the Presence of the Life Force filled it.

When the cloud lifted from the Mishkan the people would set out on all their journeys.

But when the cloud did not lift, they would not set out until it did.

Over the Mishkan a cloud rested by day and a fire by night, in the eyes of all the people, throughout all of their journeys. (Exodus 40:33-38)

Here we are, and the cloud is covering the Mishkan; this place, this moment.

It is time to be still, to stay in camp, to not set out on our journeys.

A practice now is to be aware that

The Sacred Presence is here with us.

The Infinite Life Force is in the cloud.

We are intricately connected and held.

The Sacred Presence is here.

The Life Force is in the cloud.

We are in the web of all life

And shared generosity, kindness, love and care will hold us.

This is a time to reach out to each other.

To let someone know we are thinking of them.

It is a time to gather in new and different ways

With the continued awareness that we are all in this together.

A cloud by day, a fire by night,

In the eyes of all the people on all their journeys .

Let us be wise about the signs we follow and who we trust as guides.

Let us be discerning about how much news we take in each day,

And where this news comes from.

Let us turn toward creation,

To trees, sky, rocks and water for solace.

And let us remind ourselves throughout the day that

The Sacred Presence is here, in the cloud

Holding us all.

With great love and blessings,

Rabbi Yael Levy

23 Adar 5780

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