Crossing the Seas

Leaving Egypt,
Crossing the sea,
Our ancestors stood in awe
And celebrated with gratitude and deep faith.

A moment later they were seized by fear,
Overwhelmed with doubt,
And they cried, longing for what had been.

The Infinite Presence responded by giving them Shabbat.
Six days you shall work and on the seventh day you shall stop,
You shall rest, you shall be. (Exodus 16:23)
Stopping will help you discover what gives you faith and courage.
Pausing will help you discern which way to go.

Our ancestors sang of faith and courage, victorious arrival.
And they stumbled in bitterness, doubt and fear.

Their journeys bring us to the sea again and again,
Instructing us to pause, to stop,
And then, with fierce willingness,
To step together
Toward the shores of the unknown.

May it be for healing, for blessing, for love.

Rabbi Yael

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