Sadness Rooted in Love

As the Elul moon begins to wane

And the New Year appears on the horizon

The call of the season continues: Return. Return to presence. Return to alignment. Return to loving relationship.

The soul weeps, I can’t, there is too much pain. And the call continues with compassion and strength: Return. The deep sadness, the aching pain you experience

Rises from what you love,

From what you care about and value.

When you forget the love,

You get lost and turn away.

Return, Elul calls.

Turn toward the love that is under the pain.

Turn toward relationship,

Turn toward the soul’s capacity to care.

The turning doesn’t make the sadness disappear,

It doesn’t negate the tragedies, or nullify the pain,

But it does bring us into connection

And offer a foundation upon which we can stand. Joy and beauty, sadness and pain,

Are all here,

And we are made stronger when we locate their roots in love. Ken yihi ratzon,

May it be so.

Shalom, Rabbi Yael

During the month of Elul it is traditional to say Psalm 27 each day. This psalm can be a helpful companion as we journey through this season. Go to a downloadable PDF of the psalm in Hebrew with a translation by Rabbi Yael.

This Week's Audio Teachings
You can listen to Rabbi Yael’s extended teaching on the Elul journey and this week’s Torah portion Ki Tavo on Soundcloud or on the A Way In website.

We sit together as this season continues to call and turn us. Listen to the recording of today's Meditation Sit with Rabbi Yael Levy on Soundcloud or on the A Way In website.

Weekly FocusAway In