Prayer for Tisha B'Av

Reflections on this week’s Torah portion: Chukat - Statutes

A prayer for Tisha B’Av, adapted from Sim Shalom, the closing prayer of the Amida

Place upon all beings
Peace, goodness, blessing,
Grace, loving-kindness and compassion.

Bring us to our knees in the face of brokenness.
Let us feel the pain, the suffering of each other.
Let us know it as our own.

Bless us all.

Help us rise again and again
Into the light of possibilities,
Into the light of sacred presence.

Open us to the ways of love,
Generosity and justice,
To the ways of life,
Compassion, kindness and peace.

Help us see with humility
And meet each moment with blessing.
In the face of all that is,

Call us present
To stand together as one.

May our lives be for healing.
May our lives be for peace.

--Rabbi Yael

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