Sitting at the Opening

Dear Friends,


I am writing this on Wednesday morning, in the wake of the mid-term elections, relieved and grateful for some of the results, and saddened and fearful of others. And still waiting.


Last week the Infinite Mystery called: Go.

Leave. Explore. Become.


This week the Mystery calls: Sit.

Be still. Be with. Notice.


Avraham sat at the opening of the tent,

He lifted his eyes

And saw that the Infinite Presence

Is within all life.


He saw that the Infinite Presence

Is within promise, hope, turmoil and pain,

The Infinite Presence is in conflict and longing

And possibilities not yet seen or imagined.


This awareness filled Avraham

And he rose to meet whatever life would bring.


What can help us meet all that arises?

How do we return to clarity and presence

In the chaos and tumult that arrives each day?


It is a constant practice.


This week I set an intention to lift my eyes

And see the Infinite Presence.


I will practice seeing the Presence where it is easy.


I will see the Presence in the stunning red leaves of Japanese maples,

In the yellow of beech trees and the deep red of oaks.


I will see the Presence in people who care so deeply

And turn toward each other with generosity and love.


And as fear, sadness and foreboding arise,

I will pause and take many slow, calm, even, deep breaths.


Avraham sat at the opening of the tent in the heat of the day

And the Mystery appeared.


As we sit in the presence of all that is.

May we have moments of sensing the Mystery within and around us.


May this awareness support and guide us

And help us rise and meet each new day.


With love and blessing,

Rabbi Yael

Weekly FocusAway In