From the Narrow to the Expanse

Dear Friends,

As we enter Pesach,  

May we find the strength to soften our hearts to the beauty and horror of these times so we are able to respond to all that life brings with compassion and care.
May we release what binds us and keeps us afraid, so we can step into the fullness of life, offering our gifts and our bounty.
May the power and rituals of Pesach help us embody the faith that transformation is possible.  
And together may we be guided by the words we place on our doorposts:
            To love the Unfolding of All Life with all our hearts, souls and strength.   
            And to live in the ways of love.
May our journeys be for blessing and healing for all life.
Go to prayers, meditations and resources for Pesach

Love and blessings to all,
Rabbi Yael

Listen to this week's pre-Passover Torah Study on Soundcloud or the A Way In website.

Weekly FocusAway In