Landing in Sukkot

From the expanse of Yom Kippur we travel for four days and arrive in Sukkot, a celebration of earth and her generous bounty. During this week-long festival we invite ancestors to join us as we give thanks and begin to integrate what we touched and discovered during the holy days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

         Sukkot is called zeman simchatanu, the time of our rejoicing. From the yamim noraim, the days of awe, we land in Sukkot’s call to celebrate, to embrace delights, to experience and create beauty.

         A powerful offering of Sukkot is that it calls us to delight and experience joy as we build sukkot and spend time in dwellings that are temporary, vulnerable, open to the sky and earth. All things pass, Sukkot calls, zeh hayom asah Havayah—this is the moment right now, gather as you can, share your bounty, honor the earth and delight in beauty. This is the moment right now, nagilah v’nismicha bo, rejoice, celebrate and give thanks for the fruits of the journey.  


I love this teaching from Terry Tempest Williams, one of my most important teachers. I pass it on in honor of Sukkot and our journey into 5783:


Once upon a time…

There was the simple understanding

That to sing at dawn and to sing at dusk

Was to heal the world through joy.

The birds still remember

What we have forgotten,

That the world is meant to be celebrated.

--Terry Tempest Williams

When Women Were Birds


Chag samayach,

Blessings to all,

Rabbi Yael


This Week's Audio Teachings

Morning Meditation Sit
We sit together with the calls of Yom Kippur still echoing in our souls. Listen to the recording of today's Meditation Sit on the A Way In website or on Soundcloud.
Torah in these Times
Listen to the recording of this week's Torah Study on the A Way In website or on Soundcloud.

Pop-Up Shabbat
Friday night, Oct. 7, 2022, at 7:30PM ET

I hope to see you online as we join with Darchei Noam welcoming Shabbat and continuing to lifted by the holy lights of this time.

Please register with this link and the Zoom information will be sent to you

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Over the year we hope to be with Darchei Noam in person as well.
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