Calls of Elul

Dear Friends,

Here we are at the threshold of Elul, once again.
I give thanks for entering into this season together.

The tradition teaches that as Elul begins,
Hamelech b’sadei, the King is in the field,
The Divine Presence comes out of hiding,
And reaching toward us with love,
Calls: Return.
Return from where you have been,
Return from where you are,
Return to me and I will return to you. (Zech. 1:3)
         Return and together we will examine what has formed this year.
         What choices, words, actions, habits have been helpful and what needs to change.       
         We will notice how we have brought love into the world and how we have added to the contention, confusion and fear.
         We will seek forgiveness, solace and connection.
         We will make amends
         And find new paths toward healing.
         We will realign with what is most true
         And return to each other and all life.

At times the Divine Presence has to shout
Over the protesting, despairing, berating mind,
This soul work, the Melech reminds us,
Is to be done with compassion and care,
For it is complex being a human
And we are living in a world on fire.

Let us step into Elul grounded in compassion
Open to guidance, and gently ask,
How can I best be of service for the healing and benefit of all?

May the sacred work of Elul
Help us be creatures who shine with generosity
And whose lives generate healing and love.

Chodesh Tov

Blessings and love to all,

Rabbi Yael

Psalm 27 guides us through Elul. Saying the whole psalm or a particular verse each day provides wonderful companionship and helps shape and illuminate the sacred work of this season. Download Rabbi Yael’s translation and the Hebrew text

Parshat Shofteim
Entering the Gates of Elul
Listen to the recording of this week's Morning Meditation Sit.
Listen to this week's Torah Study.

Rabbi Yael's teachings and A Way In Jewish Mindfulness resources are free and open to all. Please donate.

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