A Prayer for Tisha B'Av

A prayer for Tisha b’av based on Sim Shalom,
         the closing blessing in the Amida

Place upon all beings
Peace, goodness, blessing,
Life, grace, love,
Bring us to our knees in the face of suffering.
Let us feel your presence,
In the midst of devastation and pain.
Let shared sorrows and
Communal grief,
Soften our hearts
And turn us toward each other
With kindness and love.
Open the paths of life,
         Generosity, kindness,
         Justice, compassion,
         Wholeness and peace.
Help us see blessings
And perceive goodness.
And please, help us rise again and again
Into the light of possibility.
May our broken hearts find comfort,
May our grieving souls know love
And together may we weave a world of
Harmony, justice and peace.

Rabbi Yael Levy

Tisha B'Av
Listen to the recording of this week's pre-recorded Morning Meditation Sit.

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