And the Mystery Appeared
As we continue in Shemot, in the Book of Names,
The Mystery appears and says
I am going to make myself known to you in a new way:
I am the Infinite Unfolding Presence,
The force that makes for transformation,
Liberation and freedom.
I am the flow of change and possibility,
Present and always becoming.
As you join together,
As you feel each other’s suffering and cry out
I will be with you.
This is my new name.
With hearts harden by pain, trauma and fear
It can be difficult to open to the Divine Presence
To remember,
Feel or trust,
That we are not alone.
May we be patient
With each other and ourselves.
May we be gentle toward our hearts
That so easily constrict in an attempt
To defend and protect.
May we move slowly,
Take notice of beauty,
And enjoy moments
Of kindness, generosity and care.
Reach out to each other, the Mystery calls,
Join together,
Share your joys and sorrows,
Your righteousness and despair,
And I will appear,
And the path will open and together we will find our way.
May it be so.