Tiferet and the Month of Iyar
We welcome the month of Iyar, which arrives during this week of Tiferet.
Tiferet calls forth
The courage and vulnerability of an open heart.
Beauty that astonishes,
Patterns of harmony,
The magnificent interconnection of all life.
Tiferet also reveals the cracks and brokenness
The pain we experience and cause.
In this wide-open field of Tiferet
Is a well-spring of Rachamim,
Infinite compassion, a flow of fierce, determined love
That holds and guides us,
Helping us be with the truth of all that is
With empathy and care.
During Tiferet
The month of Iyar arrives offering healing
And the great gift of second chances.
When the Israelites crossed the sea
And faced the expanse of the unknown
They grew afraid and despondent.
The Infinite Mystery called,
I am the Life Force, your healer. (Ex. 15:26)
Iyar is an acronym for this statement and reminds us
That in this life of expanse and uncertainty
We are not alone.
The Infinite Presence is with us,
A force for healing and possibility.
The light of second chances shines through Iyar
Because the full moon of Iyar
Provides the opportunity for something that has been missed.
During Temple times, it was considered essential for a person’s spiritual and material well being that they make a special sacrificial offering for Passover.
If circumstances kept someone from doing this, they were given another opportunity on the fifteenth of Iyar.
Iyar says: Give yourself and others generous second chances.
Allow for “do-overs.”
May Iyar and Tiferet guide us with
Courage, love and forgiveness.
May the beauty and harmony of life lift us.
And may Divine healing, compassion and love
Finds its way through us
Into the world.
-Rabbi Yael Levy