What Participants Have Said
Thinking about joining the upcoming Elul Retreat with Rabbi Yael Levy? Some testimonials from our first online retreat, Uprooting and Rooting, in July, 2020.
E.B., Philadelphia, PA
The online retreat with Rabbi Yael and her wonderful colleagues (Rabbi Benjamin Barnett and Rabbi Joshua Botteiger) was nothing short of magical. They supported us in the challenge (and ultimate goal!) of integrating spiritual practices into our daily living as we navigated the retreat within the context of our homes. Life became the retreat, and the retreat became life. And I can still feel the support of the retreat community!
N.K. Berkeley, CA
In this difficult moment of pandemic, new focus on racial justice, and general chaos and uncertainty, sitting with A Way In [for the Uprooting and Rooting Retreat in July] was comforting, healing, and [often] enlightening. I am deeply grateful for all I have learned from Rabbi Yael, and her wise and profound approach to Jewish meditation, Torah study and inquiry. While Zoom is not always ideal, it also helps us connect at this very challenging moment.
A Grateful Participant
The retreat was a wonderful experience. Rabbis Benjamin, Joshua and Yael wove together a beautiful tapestry of teachings, mindfulness practice, prayers, chants and participant sharing. The offerings were truly inspired and inspiring!
J.R., Oakland, CA
A lot of Jewish practice is based at home, but my extended meditation practice has always been ‘away,' so doing this retreat at home was a beautiful way to bring those practices together. I was surprised at how quiet and deep I was able to go with the structure of the retreat even though I wasn't in the room with others. Even though I was practicing "by myself" at home, I never felt alone.
M.W., Vancouver, B.C., Canada
The [online] medium allowed for the individual to progress or pause, reflect or revisit as s/he wants and needs. The [online retreat] is an experience of its own. R. Yael's compassion transcends the medium; it reaches you directly and intensifies the personal experience.