Morning Meditation Sit — Stories of the Mind

Entering 5780 I have been thinking a lot about the power of words and wondering about the personal and shared narratives that shape our lives. As we begin a new cycle of Torah, my intention is to gaze into these teachings and stories as I would a river, seeing in them a moving reflection of the present moment.

In the Torah portion Noach

Creation had gone awry.

The world was corrupt.

Greed, contempt and a complete disregard of others

Had become the mode of being.

In the ark, that Noach was instructed to build,

Noach became responsible for the well being of all the animals.

In caring for these living creatures,

Noach became alert, attentive and kind.

He became curious.

He grew interested in the diversity of creation.

And, as his awareness of the interconnection of all life grew,

Sensitivity, compassion

And a deep abiding care for others


As I gaze at this story

I am aware of the sadness and anger that hovers over my heart.

I am aware how these responses to the state of our world

Make it difficult for me to be patient and kind,

To find comfort or to see beauty.

As a corrective I am setting an intention to take care.

To take care of a garden,

To take care of an animal.

To take care of a small piece of land,

A small stretch of river.

To take care of friends and family needing help.

To take care of community.

With these actions

I pray for an alert, attentive kindness

That invigorates my capacity for compassion

And enables me to be present to all that life brings.

I pray to love in the face of destruction

And to let a deep sense of caring guide my words and actions.

Listen to the guided Meditation Sit below.

With love and blessings,

— Rabbi Yael Levy

2 Cheshvan 5780

The live Jewish Mindfulness Meditation Sit with Rabbi Yael Levy takes place Thursday mornings 8-8:30 AM EST. Go to instructions for joining via call-in.

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