Morning Meditation Sit — Darkness and Light

Here we are entering the season of darkness and light.

Shabbat brings winter solstice and on Sunday night Chanukah begins.

As we enter Chanukah this year, it feels especially important to kindle lights that will calm the soul and inspire the spirit. To kindle lights that will raise up the sacred and fill us with strength, courage and love.

The Chanukah story tells us that amid the rubble of the desecrated Temple a tiny drop of oil was found. The drop of oil was lit not knowing what would be—and it burned brighter and longer than anyone thought possible.

Chanukah calls us to kindle light, even when so much lies in ruin.

Chanukah urges us to call on the power of the spirit and keep rising even when so much feels lost. Do not get stuck in despair. A small act brings great goodness. Our words and deeds shine beyond what we are able to see.

Chanukah urges us to have faith in times of great turmoil and be nourished by each other’s goodness, love and light.

Miracles abound and just because we can’t see our way beyond destruction, this does not mean transformation cannot come to be.

Let the Chanukah flames we kindle this year represent the sacred rising from ruin, let the light declare that love, justice and healing will shine.

This year we share the days of Chanukah with those who are celebrating Christmas and Kwanzaa. The timing is a reminder of all that unites us and of the power that is ignited as we join together. May this shared season inspire us to shine our light and love.

We are grateful to offer resources for Chanukah.

You can find Blessings and Intentions for the lighting of candles for each night of Chanukah at our website:

Lifting up the Lights: Chanukah in Challenging Times

Shining the Lights: Sending Forth the Good

Beginning on Monday morning we will be sending out meditations to sit with for each day of Chanukah.

If you are looking for a Chanukah gift for a friend or family member, please consider my book: Directing the Heart: Weekly Mindfulness Teachings and Practices from the Torah. Learn more and purchase.

I will write a personal note to all those who receive the book as a gift. Send your name and the name and address of the recipient of the gift to me at and I will send a Chanukah card with a photo and psalm verse to them.

May this season encourage our love and give strength to our spirit

Listen to the guided Meditation Sit dedicated to this teaching in the player below.

Chanukah Samayach. Love and Blessing to all.

— Rabbi Yael Levy
21 Kislev 5780

The live Jewish Mindfulness Meditation Sit with Rabbi Yael Levy takes place Thursday mornings 8-8:30 AM EST.

Go to instructions for joining the live guided Meditation Sit next with Rabbi Yael Levy via call-in or Zoom.

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