Morning Meditation Sit — When Fear Arises — Sivan Week 4

In this week’s Torah portion Shelach lecha,

We are given a primer on the power of fear:

When fear arises and takes hold

The heart constricts and vision narrows.

Thoughts that insist on doubt, mistrust and disconnection

Are perceived as the only truths.

Often, as a result we lash out,

We close down,

We turn away.

We stop trusting or believing in possibilities.

It can be difficult to break this cycle

Because fear is contagious and strengthens itself.

How to see beyond fear?

How to break its stronghold?

The tradition says engage in actions that encourage relationship:

Give thanks.

Notice beauty.

Listen well.

Respond with compassion.

Offer help.

Seek guidance.

Engage with ritual.

Do acts of justice.

Speak words of blessing

These actions will help shift our perspectives,

Create connections

And loosen the bonds of fear.

For the sake of our country, our world,

For the sake of the earth, ourselves and each other,

Let us deny fear the power

To control our perceptions and determine our behaviors.

Instead, let us rise

And do actions that strengthen our relationships

And open the way for love, justice and compassion to prevail.

For our Meditation Sit we practice holding whatever arises with an expansive, loving perspective.

Rabbi Yael Levy
23 Sivan 5779

Listen to the recording in the player below.

The live Jewish Mindfulness Meditation Sit with Rabbi Yael Levy takes place Thursday mornings 8-8:30 AM EST. Go to instructions for joining via call-in.

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