Morning Meditation Sit — Second Chances — Elul Week 3

Meditation and Writing Practice for the Third Week of Elul

Meditation Practice:

We take our seats and let our attention rest on the breath. After a few minutes we call to mind people in our lives with whom there is need for healing—not the most difficult people, rather friends, family, co-workers, we care about and who have hurt us in some way.

Asking for help in reaching forgiveness, we picture ourselves with each of them in turn and say:

May we be blessed with love,

May we be blessed with peace,

May we be blessed with a clear connection.

We then call to mind people we have hurt through our words or deeds, and asking for help receiving forgiveness, we picture ourselves with each of them in turn and say:

May we be blessed with love,

May we be blessed with peace,

May we be blessed with a clear connection.

We close the sit with a prayer from the psalmist:

As we call out, let there be an opening for goodness and forgiveness, for abundant generosity to come through. (Psalm 86:5)

Writing Practice:

We take time to write two notes this week.

In one note we thank someone for having offered help, support, inspiration, friendship.

In another note, we ask someone for forgiveness, acknowledging the pain or hurt we have caused.

We do our best to turn to these practices with tender care. So many feelings can arise as we face pain and hurt we have experienced or feel we have caused. Being gentle, kind and loving toward ourselves and each other will help ease and open the way.

Listen to the recording of Rabbi Yael’s guided Meditation in the player below.

The live Jewish Mindfulness Meditation Sit with Rabbi Yael Levy takes place Thursday mornings 8-8:30 AM EST. Go to instructions for joining via call-in.

Rabbi Yael Levy
11 Elul 5779

2019-09-12 Morning Meditation Sit - How to Ask for Forgiveness - Elul Week 3
Rabbi Yael Levy - A Way In Jewish Mindfulness
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