Morning Meditation Sit — Take Notice — Elul Week 2

Meditation and Writing Practice for the Second Week of Elul

Taking our seats, we rest the attention on the breath and repeat the call:

Hinei makom eti—Take notice, there is s a place for you with me.

Each time a thought arises or a story pulls our attention away, we return by hearing:

There is s a place for you with me.

At the close of the sit we notice the sensations of being held by our chair or cushions and we feel the Mystery say to us, wherever you have been, wherever you are, there is a place for you with me.

After the meditation we take time to reflect on the above questions through writing or continued quiet sitting. As we face times we acted with honesty and truth, we hear the mystery say:

There is a place for you with me.

As we take an accounting of times we were unable to be honest, we hear the mystery call:

Hinei makom eti. There is a place for you with me.

Before we close our practice, we ask ourselves if there are people we need to make amends with because we were unable to act with honesty and we make a commitment to be in contact with them as we move toward the New Year.

In our country this past year, we have witnessed courageous people bringing difficult and harsh truths to light. We have also witnessed truths being twisted and denied by blatant falsehoods. Let us support each other in speaking out and challenging dishonesty and let us send messages of thanks and support to people who are speaking difficult truths.

Listen to the recording of this guided meditation in the player below.

The live Jewish Mindfulness Meditation Sit with Rabbi Yael Levy takes place Thursday mornings 8-8:30 AM EST. Go to instructions for joining via call-in.

Rabbi Yael Levy
4 Elul 5779

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