Calling on Angels: The Months of Adar (February, 2023)
Calling on Angels: The Months of Adar (February, 2023)
Seven times every 19 years, an extra month of Adar is added to the Jewish calendar to keep the holidays and festivals in their seasons. Without the extra Adar, the holidays would circle around the year, with Chanukah arriving in summer, Pesach in autumn and Rosh Hashanah in spring.
With a mighty ruach—a forceful spirit, the extra Adar brings us into alignment.
Adar lifts us up, swirls us around and calls us into sacred play as it brings possibility, discovery and transformation.
Adar reveals and conceals and mysteries abound.
In this class we listen into the ruach of Adar and:
· Explore the concept of ashrei, happy, contented, blessed
· Open to the energy of yishuah: deliverance, saving power, expansive force of transformation
· Delve into mysteries of the Divine hidden and revealed
· And enter the gates of Purim which turns everything upside down and points the way to radical transformation and possibility