Chayei Sarah: The Life of Sarah

In this week’s Torah portion we witness the power, strength and vision of women.

Sarah’s life comes to an end and Rebecca becomes Isaac’s wife.  Rebecca is asked and chooses for herself to take this journey into the unknown.
This was the life of Sarah, the Torah teaches:
Sarah lived 100 years. She lived 20 years.  She lived 7 years. —Genesis 23:1

The Torah tells us that Sarah lived many lifetimes in the span of one life.  And she reminds us that we change, grow and become throughout all our life experiences.
Know that you are—and you are not—the same person you were five, ten, twenty years ago. Sarah teaches: have the strength to allow yourself to let go and to become again, and again, and again.
Rebecca went down to the spring and drew forth water to nourish the body and soul.
She did not hesitate to be of service.
She did not hesitate to act with generosity and strength.
She did not hesitate to step boldly toward challenge and possibility.
And as Rebecca lived into these attributes she was received in love, and unknowingly was the answer to someone’s prayers.
This week, let us ask ourselves:
           What do we learn from the women who came before us?
           How do we honor their legacy as we shape our own?

— Rabbi Yael Levy