Courageous Imagination

Jacob set out on his journey
And reaching a certain place
He laid his head upon a rock.

As he did
A dream appeared.
In the dream, the Infinite Mystery stood by his side
And called to him:
Break through, Jacob.
Break through old forms,
Old patterns.
Break through your accustomed ways of seeing and being.
Dare to dream.
Be courageous in your imagining.
This is the gateway.
This is the path.

Jacob trembled awake.
We often get in our own way.
Long-standing habits
And a desire for certainty
Limit our vision.
Fears bind us
And what we thought would,
Or should be,
Obscure the path.
Enter a new realm, the Infinite calls.
Go beyond what is known,
Go beyond what is logical,
Be with uncertainty.
When nothing is known,
Anything is possible.
How awesome is this place.

Rabbi Yael Levy
7 Kislev 5779

(Due to the unforseen circumstances this past month, there will be no Yishrei Lev video for Kislev. Rabbi Yael Levy's videos introducing each Hebrew month will resume for Rosh Chodesh Tevet, in the midst of Chanukah. You can check out the archives on our Youtube Channel)

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