5779 Chanukah - Lifting Up the Lights: A Rededication to the Sacred

Lifting up the Lights: A Rededication to the Sacred

Dear Friends,

As we prepare to enter the festival of Chanukah this year, it feels especially important to kindle lights that will illuminate strength, courage and the inspiration to keep rising up for justice and love.

Let us remember that our Chanukah story declares, that amid the rubble of the desecrated Temple, a tiny drop of oil was found. The drop of oil was lit not knowing what would be -- and it burned brighter and longer than anyone thought possible.

Chanukah calls us to lift up the lights, even when so much lies in ruin.

Chanukah calls us to rise and act even as we do not know if our actions will bring the results we long for.

Chanukah declares, do not get stuck in despair. Remember that a small act can bring forth great light.  Act for the sake of the sacred. Act with reverence and love. Experience the power of taking action in the face of ruin, of stepping forward even when so much feels lost.

And Chanukah also calls us to renew ourselves and clear away the debris that has collected on our hearts and souls. It is a time to rededicate ourselves to what we most love and value so we can shine our lights for the benefit of all.
To download and read Lifting up the Lights, a PDF with blessings and intentions for each night of Chanukah, sign up for the A Way In newsletter.

Beginning on Monday morning we will be sending out teachings and meditations for each day of Chanukah, A Rededication to the Sacred.
In this season people of many traditions kindle flames. In the coming days, as we light the Chanukah candles, may we be strengthened by our connections with each other. May we be inspired by each other’s goodness and may we shine our lights for love.
Chanukah Samayach. Blessing to all.

  — Rabbi Yael Levy
21 Kislev 5779
As we direct our hearts, lights shine in darkness,
Lights of graciousness, compassion and justice.

—Psalm 112:4

A Way In Chanukah 5779
This year A Way In has a variety of resources for a meaningful, mindful Chanukah. As an A Way In Instagram follower, you will be able to read and practice 8 NIGHTLY Jewish Mindfulness blessings and intentions from Rabbi Yael Levy.

These teachings will only be available in the A Way In Instagram stoies, and gathered together in a downloadable PDF, "Lifting Up the Lights," available to new and current newsletter subscribers and in our Instagram bio. Follow now

DAILY intentions from the Rededication to the Sacred series are meant to guide meditations during the eight Chanukah days. These will be available for our newsletter subscribers (subscribe here), and our followers on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Chanukah E-book
It is traditional to sing Hallel on each night of Chanukah. "Chanukah Lights: Psalms of Hallel," Rabbi Yael's e-book translation of the Psalms of Hallel (Psalms 113 to 118), is available for $4.99. Purchase the book.