5780 Chanukah — The Power of the Spirit: Meditations for the Days of Chanukah

The Power of the Spirit
Meditations for the Days of Chanukah

Send forth your light and truth they will guide me to your sacred presence. And there I will dwell.
Psalm 43:3

Dear Friends,
The mystics teach that the flames of Chanukah echo from the beginning of creation and send forth lights of chen—grace—pure love, freely given. To sit in this light is to be embraced and renewed by graciousness and love.
Events in this country and the world this year have taken a toll on many of us. Our souls and spirits need to be calmed and replenished so we can continue to rise into blessing and healing. As we kindle the Chanukah flames this season, let us open to the lights of chen. Let these lights of grace and love freely given clear the rubble and make way for the spirit to rise again and again.
Our Chanukah series will offer daily meditations that will invite us to sit with the Infinite light. This will be a practice of receiving. We do not have to create the light. We do not have to make anything happen. Our practice will be opening to receive the lights of grace, love and rejuvenation that flow through this time.

May Chanukah strengthen and renew us so we can keep rising into goodness and shining lights for blessing, justice and peace.

With love and blessings,

Rabbi Yael
24 Kislev 5780


We are grateful to offer resources for Chanukah.

You can find Blessings and Intentions for the lighting of candles for each night of Chanukah on our website:

Lifting up the Lights: Chanukah in Challenging Times

Shining the Lights: Sending Forth the Good

If you are looking for a Chanukah gift for a friend or family member, please consider my book: Directing the Heart: Weekly Mindfulness Teachings and Practices from the Torah. Learn more and purchase.

I will write a personal note to all those who receive the book as a gift. Send your name and the name and address of the recipient of the gift to me at rabbiyael@awayin.org and I will send a Chanukah card with a photo and psalm verse to them.

If you find these teachings useful, please donate to A Way In Jewish Mindfulness to keep them free and available for everyone.