Prayers for the Thanksgiving Table

Let us give thanks for the abundance of this meal and for the gifts of the earth.

Let us give thanks for each other and the gifts each of us brings by being who we are.

To those who came before us, we give thanks

To those who will come after us, we raise our cups.

Let us live fully with gratitude and love.

Let us share our gifts with generosity and appreciation.


As we gather together to give thanks

Let us acknowledge that many emotions fill this space

And for some of us gratitude may not be so easy to find.

And then let us raise our glasses and give thanks even as it can feel difficult.

Let us give thanks for each other’s presence and for the abundance of this food.

Let us give thanks for the gifts of this moment.

May the beauty that surrounds us give us sustenance and strength.

And may love guide us in bringing goodness and blessing to all.

Blessed is the Mystery that gives us life, raises us up and calls us present to this moment.


As we share in this abundance let us pause and wonder at the mysterious unfolding of life that brought us all together.

For many of us, three, five, seven years ago, we could never have imagined this moment.

Let’s remember that just because we can’t imagine something does not mean it cannot happen.

Let us raise our cups to what we love.

Let us raise our cups to our hopes and dreams.

And let us raise our cups to the unfolding of goodness beyond our wildest imagination.

Blessed is the Mystery that brings forth life.

Blessed is the Mystery that unfolds in love.


To earth, trees, plants and sky. To water, birds, fish and rock. To breeze and rain, to animals of the forests and deserts, we honor you and we give thanks.

Let us live with the awareness of the interconnectedness of all being. Let us treat all life with reverence and care.

Blessed is the Mystery that brings forth all life.


May we eat and be nourished.

May we savor the fullness and be satisfied with the gifts of this moment.

May we open our hearts and give thanks. Deuteronomy 8:10


— Rabbi Yael Levy

28 Cheshvan 5780

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