5780 Chanukah Day 6 — Or Shabbat — Sitting in the Lights of Shabbat

The Power of the Spirit
Meditations for the Days of Chanukah
Sitting in the Lights that Echo from the Beginning of Creation
Chanukah Day 6
Or Shabbat  Sitting in the Light of Shabbat

One of the most magnificent gifts of Shabbat is the call to stop.

Shabbat arrives and says there is nothing we need to do. Nothing we need to create. There is no need to strive or pursue. Be with what is. Know yourself as part of the created world and enjoy the beauty and delights. Pause, listen and be.  The practice of Shabbat realigns our souls and returns us to harmony with each other and the earth. Stopping and being is essential, the tradition teaches, for the well-being of all the world.
Taking our seats, we set an intention to sit in the light of Shabbat, a light that is filled with shalom, wholeness and peace. Resting the attention on the breath, we gently say to ourselves, there is nothing I need to do; there is nowhere else I need to be. I am free to sit in the light of Shabbat and I do so for my own sake and for the sake of all creation.

After a few minutes we let arise in ourselves the call; Shalom, and experiencing the sound and vibrations of shalom in our bodies. Over and over again we repeat, Shalom, letting it travel with the breath and inspire its own rhythm. Any time we notice a thought or story arise, we respond, Shalom and return the attention to the breath.

Shalom, wholeness, peace, the vibrations fill and hold us.
As we close the sit we say u’fros aleynu sukkat shol'mecha

Spread over all beings, all creation, a shelter of peace.

Rabbi Yael
30 Kislev 5780

  We are grateful to offer resources for Chanukah. Read the introduction to the daily teachings.

You can find Blessings and Intentions for the lighting of candles for each night of Chanukah on our website:  

Lifting up the Lights: Chanukah in Challenging Times

Shining the Lights: Sending Forth the Good  

If you are looking for a Chanukah gift for a friend or family member, please consider my book: Directing the Heart: Weekly Mindfulness Teachings and Practices from the Torah. Learn more and purchase.   I will write a personal note to all those who receive the book as a gift. Send your name and the name and address of the recipient of the gift to me at rabbiyael@awayin.org and I will send a Chanukah card with a photo and psalm verse to them.

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