Sing to the Infinite a New Song. Two Months of Adar Conclusion

May all that has been explored, discovered and revealed through these months of Adar be of benefit and blessing for all. And may we enter into the month of Nisan and the coming of spring hearing this call of the psalmist:

Sing to the Infinite a new song,

Sing to the Infinite all the earth.

Sing to the Infinite, bless all that manifests.

From moment to moment,

From day to day

Carry forth the transformative power.

—Psalm 96:1-2

—Rabbi Yael Levy 

26 Adar II 5779


To guide you mindfully through the two months of Adar, A Way In has been presenting a series of original teachings from Rabbi Yael Levy. These have taken you week by week through both months, offering intentions, exercises, practices and meditations to help your ride the waves of these times.

They have come to your inbox at the beginning of each week of Adar I and Adar II. There is also an eBook guide for purchase containing the full two month's worth of Rabbi Yael's Adar teachings. Learn more and purchase the eBook.

All Adar teachings published to this date are available in our Teachings Archive

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