Adar II, Week 4 — The Fires are Lit on the Altars
As we come into the final week of Adar Sheni
Escorted by this week’s Torah portion, Shemini,
A call goes out:
Be aware of what you take into your body,
Through the foods you eat,
The news you consume,
The people and situations with which you engage.
Notice what nourishes the system
And what causes stress and agitation.
And take note of where you are drawn
To give your time, energy and attention.
Ask yourself with kindness:
Is this engagement wise, helpful,
The fires are lit on the altar
And our offerings are being called forth.
May we be wise and discerning
In what and how we choose to give.
And may the treasures of ourselves be
Be received for blessing.
—Rabbi Yael Levy
21 Adar II 5779