The Days In Between

Greetings everyone,

Shana Tova. Much blessing and love as we begin 5782.

Psalm 27 brought us to this moment and Psalm 130, traditions teaches, accompanies us from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur. I begin each day with this psalm, asking the sacred Presence to help lift and guide me.

A song of ascents, out of the depths I call to you, Infinite Mystery.
Please, listen to my voice,
Please, hear my pleas as I humble myself.
If we were only our misdeeds, who could possibly stand?
For with You, Source of All, is forgiveness.
We are in awe.
I place my hope in the Unfolding Mystery,
My entire being hopes.
I wait with openness and hope for the Divine presence.
My soul yearns for the Presence among those who yearn for the dawn,
Among all those who yearn for the dawn.
Let us wait and hope for the Infinite Presence,
For with the Infinite is great love and redemption.
The Infinite Presence will help us release all our wrongdoings.
Let us look toward all that will be with hope. (Psalm 130)

May this week bring opportunities for connection and healing.
Love to all,
Rabbi Yael

This Week's Audio Teachings

We sit together in the path of teshuvah. Listen to the recording of today's Meditation Sit with Rabbi Yael Levy on Soundcloud. Please note there will be no Meditation Sit on Yom Kippur, next Thursday, September 16.
What can I possibly do?

The Infinite replies: Be holy.
Honor the ancestors.
Honor creation.
Share your abundance.
Speak with care.
Meet each person with dignity.
Treat each other fairly.

And love.
Love as much as you can, wherever you can.

And when you fall short, when you go astray,

Forgive yourself
And return to love.

You are holy.
All life is holy
And the world needs your love.

Rabbi Yael

Weekly FocusAway In