
I am awake to the power of transformation, I will trust and not be afraid for
My strength and Infinite’s song will open the way into the expanse. (Isaiah 12:2)

Dear Friends,

The month of Adar, the last month of the Jewish year begins tonight, (after sunset on Thursday Feb. 11th).

Adar brings with it a mighty ruach, a mighty spirit of transformation. Sometimes the ruach of Adar comes like a gentle breeze, other times it arrives as a forceful wind that shakes us to the core.

As we enter into Adar it is helpful to take a flexible stance and loosen our grasp on how things have always been. As the ruach of Adar comes through it is best not to fight it with stubborn insistence.

As I enter Adar, I find it helpful to wonder about what in my life needs to be transformed:

· What behaviors and habits are not serving me well?

· What ways of perceiving and naming what is happening are restricting possibilities?

· What needs to shift in the ways I give of my time, energy and resources?

I do my best to place these questions into the ruach of Adar with an open heart and willing spirit. As I do, I have to be careful not to grasp for control or be adamant about what should be.

Adar urges us to trust and let go into the mystery, to say who knows what is possible, and allow ourselves to be shown the way.

May the transformative spirit of Adar lift us with care and reveal possibilities we have not yet imagined.

Blessings to all,

Rabbi Yael

Follow along with the Torah journey with Rabbi Yael’s book: Directing the Heart,Weekly Mindfulness Teaching and Practices from the Torah.

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