The Mystery Within

After the thunder,

The lightening,

The mountain aflame,

The Infinite Mystery calls to each of us,

To all of us:

Make for me a holy place that I may dwell within you

Make for me a holy place that I may dwell among you. (Exodus 25:8)

Find me in the thunder and lightening,

In the grand, spectacular events, the Mystery says.

And know that I am in each blade of grass,

Every newborn sparrow,

I am in the movement of the river.

And I dwell in you.

Fashion your life as to know,

I dwell in you.

Honor your gifts.

Recognize your beauty.

Share your bounty.

You are a treasure.

Whatever you are holding,

Whatever you are feeling,

Whatever is happening,

I am with you.

Fashion your life so as to return to knowing

Again and again and again,

That you are a holy vessel

In which the Divine light


Blessings to all,

Rabbi Yael

Follow along with the Torah journey with Rabbi Yael’s book: Directing the Heart,Weekly Mindfulness Teaching and Practices from the Torah.

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