Welcoming the Dark

Tonight, at sunset we enter the month of Kislev.
This month calls us to welcome the darkness,
To welcome the darkness,
As a friend, a teacher, a guide.

The mind can say no,
The heart can constrict in fear,
And darkness will come anyway.
What if we enter this new season with inquisitive curiosity
And consider it a gateway to mystery,
Where imagination flourishes,
Intuition is nurtured,
And messengers, in many guises, appear.
Kislev, the darkest month of the Jewish year,
Calls us to break through what the rational insists upon,
What habit has defined,
And what the mind says is possible.
Cultivate a courageous imagination,
Kislev calls.
And lift your eyes to what darkness will reveal.
The psalmist sings:
Light shines in darkness, lights of graciousness, compassion and justice. (Psalm 112:4)
May this new month
Open gates of Mystery,
Revealing new paths and possibilities.
May it inspire our vision and insight.
And nurture our souls with joyful courage.
Love and Blessings to all.
Rabbi Yael

This Week's Audio Teachings

We get ready to welcome the month of Kislev as we sit with our ancestors Rivka and Yitzhak as they each seek and open to the Infinite Presence. Listen to the recording of today's Meditation Sit with Rabbi Yael Levy on Soundcloudor on theA Way In website. Listen to the recording of this week's Torah Studyon the A Way In website or on Soundcloud.

Weekly FocusAway In