A Prayer for Standing at the Mountain

A prayer, as we come to the wilderness of Sinai and prepare ourselves to stand at the mountain:

Hineni: here I am
I am present,
I am willing.

I am open to receive the Torah that is written upon my heart.
I am open to receive what is mine to give.

I will remember that by honoring my gifts,
I honor the Mysteries of Life
And take my place in the Infinite web.

Let me be part of the great transformation.
Let me be part of the great healing.

Let us, together, create a world in which,

Love and truth meet,
Justice and peace prevail,
Truth sprouts from earth,
And justice shines from the heavens.

Psalm 85:11-12

I am open and I am willing.

I hear the Mystery call, Who shall I send? Who will go for us?
And I stand here and say, Here I am. Send me
. (Isaiah 6:8)

May love rise. May healing go forth for all beings, for all earth.


--Rabbi Yael

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