At the Mountain

On Shavuot we stand at the foot of the mountain.
Fire and smoke rise from its center.
Thunder and lightening fill the sky.
The earth trembles.
A shofar wails.
And then there is only silence.
A silence so absolute, so complete there is nothing else.
And then,
From the midst of the silence we experience these words:

1. I am, I was, I will be. I am the Life Force, the Unfolding of All. I am constant transformation calling you into freedom.

2. Do not worship false gods and give yourself to what is not true. Do not try to arrest me in motion or create me with your own hands. Be with uncertainty. Allow mystery.

3. Do not swear falsely. Do not mislead with lies.

4. Stop. Pause. Be. Honor creation. Rest and allow others to rest.

5. Honor your parents. Honor your ancestors. Honor those upon whose shoulders you stand.

6. Do not murder.

7. Do not betray.

8. Do not steal.

9. Do not use the power of words to hurt or destroy.

10. Feel the fullness of your life. Do not be led astray by comparing yourself to others. Do not get lost in desiring what others have. Be content, be fulfilled with what your life brings.

Exodus 20:1-14

May Shavuot 5781 open our hearts to understanding and wisdom. May it open the paths to healing and peace.

Love to all,

Rabbi Yael

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