Lifting Our Eyes

Dear Friends,

In these weeks after the Omer I find that I continue to raise my eyes to the mountain seeking guidance and support. Psalm 121, esa enay, reminds me that help and guidance are always here, even in the moments I can’t feel the Presence. I hope you also find this psalm helpful.

A Song for Ascents

I lift my eyes to the mountains,
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Infinite Presence, revealed in the heavens and earth.
The Presence holds me steady, and guards me always.
Take notice, the Infinite Presence doesn’t slumber, doesn’t sleep,
The Infinite is with me always, in the shadows and at my side.
The Presence is beyond the sun and the moon and right here, day and night.
The Presence guards me from evil.
The Infinite guards my soul.
Now and always, the Infinite Presence watches over us, in all our comings and goings.

Rabbi Yael Levy

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