Turning of the Season

As we enter the season of Elul

And begin our spiritual preparation for the New Year,

The Infinite Presence calls:

Return to me and I will return to you. (Zecaria 1:3)

Return, Ani l’dodi, v’dodi li, (Song of Songs 6:3)

You are cherished, you are loved,


Return to the wisdom that is written upon your heart.

Return to the truths of your soul.

Return to the awareness that you are here with all beings,

With each blade of grass, each mountain stream.

Return with your blessings, your joys, your hopes.

Return with your sadness, pain and despair.

Return to begin again,

To enter fully into this endeavor of life,

To step into the unknown,

And be part of the new creation waiting to take form.

You are necessary,

You are needed.

You are worthy.


You will be received with love.

We celebrate the beginning of Elul on Sunday, August 8 and Monday, August 9.

Hodesh Tov, Blessings to all.

Rabbi Yael

During the month of Elul it is traditional to say Psalm 27 each day.
This psalm can be a helpful companion as we journey through this season. Go to a downloadable PDF of the psalm in Hebrew with a translation by Rabbi Yael.

This Week's Audio Teachings
Listen to the recording of Torah Study with guest teacher Kohenet Batya Diamondfor Re’eh: See, as we get ready for the month of Elul, on theA Way In website or on Soundcloud.

Weekly FocusAway In