Take Notice

Dear Friends,

We continue into the month of Elul with the call to do hesbon hanefesh, to take an accounting of our soul, to explore who we are and ask ourselves:

How do we want to live this one, precious, fragile, magnificent life?
Traditionally in hesbon hanefesh we examine the ways we have fallen short—we take notice of how and when we haven’t been true to our intentions, values and visions. We take an honest look at ways we have caused hurt to others and ourselves.

We do this exploration not to berate or punish ourselves, but rather to shine a light on who we want to be—how we want to live. We look at mistakes, misdeeds so we can see where and how we might make different choices and what behaviors need to shift and change.

During this week of Elul, it might be helpful to ask ourselves: What is one thing I can do differently to step more fully into who I want to be, how I long to live? One action, one behavior that I can change that will put me in greater alignment with the values and truths I want to embody.

One action, one changed behavior, strengthens possibilities and lights the way.

The world needs our strength, vision, compassion and courage.

May our exploration and turning be for healing and blessing for all.


Rabbi Yael

During the month of Elul it is traditional to say Psalm 27 each day.
This psalm can be a helpful companion as we journey through this season. Go to a downloadable PDF of the psalm in Hebrew with a translation by Rabbi Yael.

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