Shining in Love

The Infinite Presence calls, I take you out into the expanse,
I deliver you because I desire you.
(Psalm 18:20)

The world is blossoming.
Yellow, white, pink, purple.
Seemingly with joy,
The earth is blooming.

And this is our call as well:
To break through the hard packed ground,
To rise,
To open,
To bloom.

The world is waiting for your beauty, the Infinite calls
And I desire you,
Your glory, your radiance, your truth, your love.
I am bringing you out into the expanse to shine.
I desire you.

What would it be like to truly believe
We are here to shine in beauty and love?
What would it be like to trust that who we are is a blessing,
An offering, a gift?

The soul cries:
The world is filled with so much brokenness, so much suffering, so much pain.
There is sorrow everywhere.

All the more reason, the Infinite Presence responds,
For you to feel your beauty and shine your light with love.
This is the world’s greatest desire.

As we come to the middle of the week of Chesed,
May we walk slowly and pause often.
May we practice noticing the beauty, the blossoming,
And when we feel ourselves caught in anxiety, judgment or pain, may we respond to ourselves with loving-kindness, saying to ourselves with tender care, You are loved.

You are loved.

Rabbi Yael

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