Approaching Each Moment
As we continue the journey with Joseph we hear:
Our lives unfold in mystery
And how we arrive in each moment
Is hidden in a web of interconnection
That is Infinite.
Sometimes we can see threads of connection
And discern patterns of meaning.
Other times
It is impossible
To have any idea
How anything comes to be.
Joseph teaches us to choose how we will tell our stories,
To decide how we will weave the narratives of our lives.
We can tell our stories in ways that encourage blame and guilt,
Resentment and pain.
And we can tell our stories in ways
That seek connection, encourage love
And turn us toward healing.
Our lives unfold in mystery
And our task is to bow to all we do not know
And out of the threads of our experiences,
The frayed edges of our joys and sorrows
Weave the narratives of our lives
Into tapestries of beauty, healing and love.
May it be so.
Rabbi Yael
This Week's Audio Teachings
This week’s Torah portion, Vayigash, calls us to notice how we approach the challenges, blessings, burdens and joys of our lives. We sit together practicing approaching each moment with curiosity and kindness. Listen to the recording of today's Meditation Sit with Rabbi Yael Levy on Soundcloud or on the A Way In website. Listen to the recording of this week's Torah Study on the A Way In website or on Soundcloud.